okay, so I finally managed to squeeze in that extra hour-and-a-half of sleep. I was awakened around 9am by a combination of landscapers mowing, kittens mewing, and the sun being a downright cantankerous b*stard. our bedroom window faces due east, so as soon as dawn breaks, all hell breaks loose. the temperature skyrockets, the light fills the room, and the blinds don't do a damn thing to stop all of that.
so, here are the rules for getting back to sleep in my apartment:
- go to the bathroom. a full bladder does not a restful sleep make. sorry if that's TMI, but it's true.
- FEED THE DAMN CATS. otherwise, be prepared for long, drawn-out yowls from Severus. because he's annoying like that.
- climb up on top of J's computer desk, armed with heavy-duty duct tape and a fleecy, grey blanket. and tape that sucker over the window, being sure to cover both top corners, with a strip of tape loosely holding up the upper-middle portion.
- after that, be sure that the floor fan is on 'high', and facing toward the bed, and check to make sure that the A/C is set firmly at 65 degrees.
it's around that time that I climb back into bed, turn on 'Spirited Away' on my laptop, and play a few games of Scrabble on my ipod, until I'm finally cold enough and sleepy enough that I can cuddle under the covers and sleep like a baby(who happens to be dreaming about zombies--see, I had a use for that title, after all!).
anyway, that kind of brings me to my next point: Scrabble.
I am a Scrabble genius. there's no room for debate there, and no point to telling me how hubristic I am. I.am.brilliant.
I downloaded the Scrabble app. for my ipod on...(runs to check itunes)...May 2, 2009. since then, I have played 1,081 games, and have won 91% of those(for those doing frantic math in their heads--likely, no one--that's 983 games won).
one of these days, I'm going to post an ad on Craigslist for a 'Scrabble Night' and actually respond to peoples' emails regarding the ad...yea, I kind of dropped the ball last time LOL.
on to politics: has anyone heard what former President Carter has been spouting? *shakes head*...here's the article:
obviously Carter, like many people(black and white) of his generation, is not taking into account the myriad intelligent people(black and white) who do not support much of what President Obama is doing. I've said it before and I'll say it again: opposing the decisions of the president does not make you a racist.
but, Carter, like many people I know, comes from a generation where attitiudes toward black people was based largely upon race. it's different nowadays, but that generation cannot understand that, unfortunately.
anyway, time to straighten up the house, get spiffy, and eat something, maybe.
Recipe Time!
so, the other day at the supermarket, I came across these adorable baby cauliflower(s?), and bought them on a whim.
tonight, I boiled them in some salt water for 4 minutes(until they were tender), and then transferred them to a saute pan, where I added some chopped red onions, fresh lime juice and lemon juice, minced garlic, fresh dill, fresh chopped salsa, Bragg's Liquid Aminos, dried basil, garlic pepper, powdered ginger, and a bit of cumin...fantastic!
Amusez-vous bien!